
What are your values?

What are your values?

Feb 7th 2020

Twice this year the topic of identifying personal values has come up - once in the PLE Program at the InSeitz Group and once in Brene Brown’s book, Dare to Lead.At first it seemed like a no-brainer. O … read more
You are more than your circumstances.

You are more than your circumstances.

Dec 3rd 2019

No makeup, foggy mind, tired body, thinning hair and extreme weight loss are what I often see when I look in the mirror.Honestly some days it’s hard to have a good attitude. All the answers to my q … read more
Vegan Laundry Detergent

Vegan Laundry Detergent

Apr 1st 2019

I’ve used the same laundry detergent for years and wasn’t looking forward to searching for a new one. So many options, opinions, ingredients and fragrances. Throw in that I have sensitive skin an … read more