Making room for great

May 3rd 2018

Making room for great


2017 was one of the best and one of the worst years of my life. It was a rollercoaster! I knew 2018 had to be different. Knowing there is a lot to accomplish this year and that none of it is easy, I started planning (and plotting). I soon realized that I was putting the cart before the horse. Let me back up a bit, I’ve had this nagging feeling that I can’t explain. I know what I am supposed to do but not sure how to get it all done. I’ve had more mental noise lately than I can ever remember and I’m not sure why. How could I be so clear and so confused at the same time?

I decided to take a step back, relax and understand why I felt this way. There had to be a lesson here – right? When I get stressed, I organize. It gives me a sense of control in this out of control world. It allows me to clear my mind, move, listen to music and accomplish tangible tasks. Over Christmas break I cleaned out closets, cabinets and drawers. I organized files, photos and clothes. A lot of stuff was re-homed or tossed. It felt good!

My house was in order(ish), life was going well but I still felt like I didn’t have enough time.

 Was I expecting too much? Were my goals too aggressive?

On a mission to make more time for what I love, I decided to reprioritize. I kept a daily log of how I spent my time. It confirmed that, YES, I have a lot going on but it’s all good. Through the noise of my busy day, I could hear this faint voice asking me if this path I’ve chosen gives me energy. My answer was no. I was drained not energized.

There it was, as plain as day! I was distracted by good and it was keeping me from great. I started evaluating everything in my life, right down to self-care (which had become nonexistent lately).I began focusing on what gives me energy and I took back control of my life. It felt good!

Sometimes we have to take a hard look at where we are to understand where we want to go and how to get there. Sometimes we just have to silence the noise and simplify. Sometimes we have to make hard choices and let go of good things in our life to make room for the great.