Look on the bright side

Nov 25th 2017

Look on the bright side


I had been looking forward to this day for weeks. I was going to meet up with a friend for dinner that I hadn’t seen in months.So much life had happened since our last visit. I couldn’t wait to hear about her daughter going off to college and her son getting engaged.

When we saw each other, it was like old times. We immediately picked up where we left off. We laughed, reminisced and shared dreams of the future. It felt good. Toward the end of our visit, a woman we worked with several years ago spotted us from across the restaurant and stopped by to chat. The mood soon transitioned from happy to bitter. In an instant the conversation changed. The few minutes she was at our table were exhausting. What’s worse is she didn’t even realize it.

Thinking back to when we worked together, I didn’t really see all the negativity. But there it was and I realized that the negative culture of that toxic workplace had become her normal. It had changed her world.

We have to be aware of how our surroundings affect us - the place we work, our family, our friends and even our church. It’s very easy for us to focus on the negative. All you have to do is pull up news on the internet to be reminded of how we focus on the ugly parts of life.

Yes, negativity is everywhere we look, but there is also good. So why do we let the bad outshine the good? Is it really human nature? I don’t think so. It’s how we’ve been trained.

I compare it to bad eating habits vs good eating habits. You know that gazillion calorie caramel mocha latte with an extra shot of espresso that you have acquired a taste for is going to prevent you from sleeping but you drink it anyway. Habits are a tricky little part of life. They can make or break us. Seeing negative, dwelling on the bad, gossiping, tearing each other down with our words... these are all bad habits.

So, what do we do about it? We change. When our go to thoughts or words are negative, we must change that. If you are the one being negative, call it out and correct yourself. When you are involved in a conversation that is unhealthy, change it. You have influence over what is being said. It’s as simple as changing the subject, introducing a positive viewpoint and sharing what you are thankful for.

When you are in the habit of looking on the bright side of life and letting the good shine, you change your world.