
When you don't wanna be grateful.

When you don't wanna be grateful.

Nov 20th 2021

What do you do when you just don’t wanna be grateful?We’ve all been there. When something not so great happens and someone tells you that you have so much to be thankful for or those moments in lif … read more
Self Gratitude

Self Gratitude

Nov 19th 2021

What about yourself are you grateful for?You are important. Your health, wellbeing, relationships, happiness, purpose, gifts, talents...all of you. So, take this time to connect with the parts of … read more
Grateful for Unexpected Changes

Grateful for Unexpected Changes

Nov 18th 2021

What unexpected changes are you grateful for?Favorite movie popping up on Netflix, crispier fries at Wendy’s, a change of scenery, new neighbors, job offer, unexpected bonus... Change shows up in li … read more
Blocking Gratitude

Blocking Gratitude

Nov 17th 2021

What blocks you from feeling grateful?Competitiveness, entitlement, comparison, selfishness, distractions... There are many ways that we block gratitude.I’ll admit that there have been times (more th … read more
The feeling of Gratitude

The feeling of Gratitude

Nov 16th 2021

How does it feel to be grateful?  Some say there is a feeling of warmth or that a weight has been lifted. While others explain the feeling of being grounded or at peace. For me, my body f … read more