HSP, Empath, Intuitive and Intuitive Empath

Feb 18th 2022

HSP, Empath, Intuitive and Intuitive Empath

As someone who helps people understand who they are and what they want, a common request is to explain what HSP, Empath, Intuitive and Intuitive Empath are. So, here’s a quick and simple overview of each gift.

Highly Sensitive People – They experience an increased sensitivity to physical, emotional and energetic inputs. HSP are externally oriented and have a heightened sense of awareness for their surroundings. Examples of how this shows up are sound becomes amplified for them, an overwhelming sense of sadness when reading a sad article, nausea when exposed to higher EMF or even a feeling of chaos or unease when certain people are nearby.

Empaths – They experience physical, emotional and energetic inputs of others. Empaths are usually externally oriented, meaning their experiences come from other people and what surrounds them in their environment. They tune in to what is around them so much so that they sometimes take on that information as their own life experience. Examples of how this shows up are quick and unexplainable mood shifts upon entering a room, feeling drained, having a strong belief but no recollection of where that belief originated from or feeling physical symptoms of another person or pet.

Intuitives – They have an inner knowing. Intuitives are connected to their inner compass and tend to be self-aware. Experiencing and processing the external world can be part of their input but the knowing comes from an internal source. Examples of how this shows up are a quick understanding of someone’s intentions, knowing when there is more to the story or when they are being lied to or having unexplainable knowledge about a physical ailment of another.

Intuitive Empaths – They experience a blended processing of external and internal inputs. They are able to feel, understand source and maintain an awareness of boundaries. They tend to see things clearly, get to the root cause and understand the why behind the information they are receiving. As an Empath they can feel what another is experiencing and as an Intuitive they have an understanding of the source and a discernment about what to do with this information. They process multiple streams of information simultaneously, usually without overwhelming self. Examples of how this shows up are a quick understanding if the feeling being experienced is for self or others, a knowing about the time to share the information being received or having a sense of flow in something that feels much bigger than self.

The information provided here is for discovery. Learn about your gifts, your strengths, your shadows...yourself and don’t take on any labels of self that don’t serve your highest good. You are living the story of your life, live it well.