Finding Health

Aug 3rd 2018

Finding Health


Focusing on your health is important. It goes beyond eating better and exercise. It’s about healthy relationships, career, finances, faith, reducing stress and living a whole and healthy life. And guess what? It starts with you.

At some point, I realized that I expected respect from others that I wasn’t giving myself. There was no way I’d let someone treat me the way I was treating me. It was time for a change. So, I made a list of what I wanted out of life, changed my attitude and developed a plan.

The facts are - I’m 45, I spend a lot of time sitting at work, I’ve had a c-section, a hysterectomy and I love food. So I won’t have a flat stomach and I passed skinny about 25 years ago. That’s not what is important! My goal isn’t to look good naked, but to feel good naked. That takes the focus off of my physical flaws and redirects my energy to how I feel. Isn’t that what being healthy is about – feeling better?

At the end of the day, I’m just a woman who is determined to make some changes, live her best life and share tips, successes and failures along the way. Thanks for joining me on this journey of finding health.

Failure update. I wrote this post on December 28th 2018. Why didn’t I post it until now? Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is this: I’ve been struggling with a swallowing problem that l am almost certain is a tick borne disease called Alpha-gal. Turns out that I am allergic to anything mammal. That’s right y’all, no more hamburgers, ribs or butter for me.My swallowing problem was actually my body trying to reject what I was feeding it. I’ve been distracted and scared as I’ve experienced developing a food allergy. It’s not behind me, it is my new normal and I’m going to take advantage of this disease to improve my health. By the way, I get the humor in me being a strong willed woman and now being labeled Alpha-gal.